Charlie's Blog

New Year, New Goals (2023)

Monday, January 9, 2023 2:48 AM

            I don't make New Year's resolutions. I don't believe in them. What I do believe in are goals. A calendar year is a good time to set a new goal—or a series of smaller goals. It's a measurable, finite period of time that can be broken up into months, fortnights, weeks, or days. 

            The end of one year and beginning of another is also a good time to reflect over accomplishments and failures of the past year. Yes, failures because sometimes we learn best from failing. Or we learn best by making mistakes. My sons do. I try not to, but I often remember where I messed up far more often than I remember where I succeeded.

            So, what are my goals this year, and why.  I attended the January meeting of the Oquirrh Mountain chapter of the League of Utah Writers. Jodi Milner said that it was important to put our goals out into the universe. So, here are mine:

            1-I am going to get the Bundy Companion book organized and published this year. My goal is to have it ready to release when the documentary on my father is released.

            2-I am going to edit and organize, along with my daughter, Jessica, the interviews my dad did with Keith Jesperson and publish "Happy Talk: Conversations with Keith Jesperson, the Happy Face Killer." I'll probably have to edit the title. I have several hours of questions my dad asked and answers from Keith. I think they are important, even though my dad's no longer around to give his insight and commentary.

            3-I will do a rewrite of one of my books. I'd like to do the first one, but the most recent one is also talking to me. I have four that need to be rewritten, then edited. I need to do a rewrite of one this year.

4-Edit three of my short stories and send them out, along with one that's already ready.

            4-Get back the rights to one of my stories.

            5-Send out more poetry and keep writing it.


            Those are my main goals. I have others, like getting the stuff in the house organized. I have too many boxes to go through, especially of my dad's stuff. That needs to be done, but I'll need help.

            And I want my husband and brother to each do an audiobook of one of my dad's books. We'll see how that goes.

            So, seven goals and 356 days to go. There will be little goals along the way. More writing, and less time on other things that keep me from writing. We'll see how that goes.

            For last year, I did submit some stuff. Not much, but I had two acceptances last year, and one this month. I have three more submissions out, and I need to send out a bunch of poetry this week to two magazines. My poetry is not grand or profound. It's short, sometimes silly, and often has an odd twist or weird angle to it. It's not dark enough for horror, it's too silly for mainstream, but it's mine, and I enjoy writing it. So, we'll see how it goes this year.

            Oh, and I have a goal to publish a poetry chapbook this year. I'll be putting out a call in February and leave it open until the end of April to get NaPoWriMo. My first publication that isn't connected to my dad. I'm excited!